
Specialization is the mechanism through which darlang provides parametric function polymorphism. It can be seen as an analogue to implicitly-generated C++ templates, implementation-wise.

Specialization at work

Suppose the existence of an under-constrained function tuplify;

tuplify(a) -> (a, a)

Such a function can be observed to impose no constraints on the type of the argument a. Since the set of potential types for tuplify is infinite, the darlang compiler skips code generation for it in the absence of invocations.

Consider, however, if we had the following invocations:

main() ->
  ds | tuplify("hello");
  is | tuplify(5);

Two specializations of tuplify are generated by the compiler- one with signature string -> (string, string), and one with signature i64 -> (i64, i64). This reduces the need for runtime typing logic, reducing instruction count at the expense of code size.


Specializations of a function are populated by the darlang compiler by traversing the call graph starting from top-level exports, which possess known types, and enumerating all required implementations.

IR is generated for each possible specialization of a function, each of which possess a unique symbol name derived from the function’s name and its solved argument types.