
This document is very incomplete, perhaps some meaning can be derived from it.


func(arg_1, arg_2, ..., arg_n) -> expr

All functions in darlang are implicitly typed. Both the argument types and the return value are derived through unification by the callee and implementation, respectively.


id | expr; ...

Binding is the process of assigning an expression to a new identifier in the current scope. All references to the id on the left hand side of the expression will be substituted with the associated expression.


  case_1 : expr_1;
  case_2 : expr_2;
  case_n : expr_n;
       * : expr_wildcard;

Darlang uses a singular guard-like construct to provide control flow.

Cases are evaluated from top to bottom- the first true case expression will cause the associated expression to be returned.

All branching constructs must have a “wildcard” case, to be executed when no cases are satisfied.


Let’s get started with a program that computes the classic Euclidean algorithm.

euclid(a, b) ->
    is(b, 0) : a;
           * : euclid(b, mod(a, b))

main() -> euclid(15, 10)